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3D modeling



Unreal Engine 

"LOST IN ARCHIVES" a 3D experience game.

With the director, we decided to use limit amount of elements. Only the things that ”tell“ to the viewer the context. Namely, that the player is in a government building where cases are processed and classified. I really wanted to make the textures realistic, while maintaining a stylistic look. Due to the low-poly models, on which realistic textures are superimposed, I managed to achieve this.

I added an archive to the game to illustrate the large number of murders associated with the political opposition. During the interaction with cases, I intentionally inserted Putin’s comments without translation because they are just words and lies that do not carry the truth.  Since military force has literally become a new national idea in Russia, practically a religion, I have placed elements indicating this in the main office. In the corner you can see a cross made of batons, this refers to the Christian faith. In the background, you can hear the choral singing of soldiers, which is also a reference to church singing. In the corner, there is a statue of a soldier who “protects” the cabinet and its employee, as well as ancient Greek sculptures placed mythical gods to “guard” temples. The “pocket” army is located in the main office. On the one hand, I wanted to show that in this way the government protects itself from the people, that is, it “covers itself” with the army. On the other hand, for the government, soldiers are just toys without a personality and people in power use them as a tool to achieve their goals without caring about the people in this army.

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